Looking to set up audio ads through found.ee? You've come to the right place!
Campaign Setup
First, fill out the Campaign Setup and Location Targeting sections as usual, including the campaign name, advertising dates, total budget, and the geo(s) you'd like to target. Click here if you have any questions on this process!
However, note that the majority of our audio ad inventory is within the US. If you'd like to utilize audio advertising to reach users outside the US, send us an email at info@thefoundgroup.com, and we can let you know what inventory may be available in your preferred geo(s).
Deal Targeting
Next, the Deal Targeting section is where you'll define what audience(s) you'd like to reach with your audio ad campaign.
Here's an overview of our Deal Targeting options for Streaming Audio Ads:
All Audio: All available audio advertising placements, including podcasts, internet radio, streaming, and music.
All Music: All available music advertising placements, including podcasts, internet radio, and streaming.
All Podcasts: All available podcast advertising placements.
All Spotify: All available Spotify music advertising placements, targeting listeners across dozens of music genres.
All iHeart: All available iHeart audio advertising placements, targeting listeners across dozens of music & spoken word genres.
Music Genres: Music advertising placements within Urban, Pop, Country, or Rock genres, targeting listeners across dozens of audio networks.
Spoken Word Genres: Spoken word advertising placements across Sports, News, Comedy, or True Crime genres, targeting listeners across dozens of audio networks.
You must select at least one Deal Targeting option in order to submit your campaign, but you can also select multiple deals at a time!
Upload Creatives
Lastly, you will need to upload your completed audio ad as well as a companion banner image.
Audio Ad Creative Specs:
Format: WAV or MP3
Max File Size: 1MB
Duration: 15 or 30 seconds
Banner Image Specs:
Format: JPEG, PNG, or GIF
Dimensions: 640x640
Max File Size: 1MB
Once you've uploaded your creatives, click Publish, and you're good to go! Once your ad has started, feel free to check in on its performance at any time via the Ads Reporting page.