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How to Create a Pre-Save Page

A detailed guide on creating pre-save pages via

Written by Team
Updated over a month ago

A Pre-Save page is a powerful promotional tool used by artists & labels to encourage fans to save an upcoming release (such as a single or album) to their music library on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music prior to the official release date. By engaging with this pre-save link, fans can automatically have the music added to their library as soon as it drops, helping boost initial streams and visibility! was one of the first self-serve platforms to offer pre-save functionality, and we've continued to provide best-in-class service to thousands of artists and labels around the world.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up an effective pre-save page!

Access the Pre-Save Page Builder

  • From your dashboard, navigate to the Marketing tab on the left-hand side of your screen, select Create Pages and choose Pre-Save Page.

Choose Your Page Layout

  • Modern One-Column Layout: This layout is straightforward and clean, ideal for a focused presentation. Click here for an example!

  • Default Two-Column Layout: This option includes an extra widget space where you can embed multimedia content like YouTube videos, Spotify playlists, or SoundCloud tracks. Click here for an example!

  • Modern One-Column Layout – light version: This new layout provides a minimalist option with logo-free destination tiles and a website-style header. Click here for an example!

(Note: in the video walkthrough above, we've selected the Modern One-Column Layout.)

Set Up Your Background and Album Artwork

  • Background Photo: Upload the image you'd like to use for your landing page background. We recommend using the same image for both the background and album artwork for consistency!

  • Blur background image: If desired, apply a blur effect to the background image. For example, a blur of 30% creates a stylish, soft-focus look.

  • Background Color: Alternatively, you can opt for a solid background color if you prefer. For this, you can use our color picker to choose a color manually or you can enter a Hex or RGBA color code.

Configure DSP (Digital Service Provider) Options

  • Pre-Save Functionality: We currently offer pre-save functionality across Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify, and TIDAL. When you start the pre-save page creation process, these DSPs will be highlighted at the top of your landing page. Then, the DSPs that appear grayed out will become active once the release goes live.

  • Custom Order: You can reorder DSPs to prioritize certain platforms. For instance, place Spotify at the top if most of your audience uses it, or move TIDAL up if you want to prioritize that DSP for your release.

Enter Release Details

  • Release Date and Time: Specify when your music will be released.

  • UPC, Artist Name, and Album Name: Enter the UPC for the album, the artist name, and the album name. While filling in all three fields is not mandatory, it helps ensure the most accurate match.

(Note: Make sure to double-check these release details, as this will directly affect the accuracy of your landing page once it's released!)

Customize Call-to-Action Buttons

  • Pre-Save Text: You can modify the call-to-action button text for each DSP, both before and after its release.

    • For instance, our default call-to-action text for Spotify is 'Pre-Save' before release and 'Listen' after release, however, if you wanted to edit this, you could change it to 'Pre-Add' before release and 'Stream' after release.

  • DSP-Specific Options: Depending on the DSP, when a fan pre-saves your release, you can also have them follow an artist profile and/or save an additional playlist to their library.

Add Additional Singles (Spotify)

  • Waterfall Effect: If you plan to release singles before the album drops, you can include them in your pre-save campaign as well!

    • For this, simply click Optional: Add New Single under the Spotify section and enter the track names & release dates (and repeat the process for multiple singles). Then, when fans pre-save the album, each single will automatically be added to the fan's library on their respective release dates.

Set Up Redirects and Additional URLs

  • Redirect URL: For Spotify and Apple, you can add a redirect URL that fans will be taken to after pre-saving.

    • For instance, after fans pre-save your album, you could drive them to a page on your website with a thank-you message and/or exclusive content.

    • Alternatively, select Show popup message to write a custom message that will display to your fans once they've successfully pre-saved your release.

Enable Lifetime Pre-Saves

Customize Store Buttons and Branding

  • Store Buttons: Browse our extensive list of DSPs & stores via the "+ Store Buttons" block at the bottom of the landing page editor and add any additional outlets as needed.

  • Create Your Own Button: This option provides you with the ability to create custom outlets, such as artist stores, brand websites, or otherwise. For this, simply upload a custom logo – we recommend using a JPG, PNG, or GIF image with a 50x100 pixel ratio.

  • Text Button: This option allows you to create a custom button with the text of your choice (without needing to use a logo).

  • Custom Button: Our Custom Buttons include three powerful tools:

    • Concert Request: Allow fans to request a concert in their city (includes email signup)

    • Email Capture: Allows you to collect email addresses to drive newsletter subscribers

    • SMS Number: Allows you to collect phone numbers to drive SMS subscribers

Add Extra Features

  • Social Media Buttons: To add social media buttons, click the "+ Social Media Buttons" block at the bottom of the landing page editor. With this tool, you can include links to your social media & online profiles, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, or a website.

Advanced Settings

  • Geo-Pages (available for Premium & Power users): With this tool, you can adjust how your landing page is displayed to users in different countries. (Note: you must first save your landing page before you can make these customizations)

    • To create a custom display for a particular country, scroll down to the Geo-Pages section on the right side of the landing page editor, click the drop-down arrow, select the country you want to create a custom view for, and click the Add Geo button.

    • Once you click Add Geo, you will be able to make any edits to this landing page, including the list/order of outlets, call-to-actions, links, and more.

    • By default, your Universal Pixel will fire across all geo-pages, however, if you'd like to add additional pixels by geo, you can do so via the Geo-Pixels button, displayed directly underneath the geo you just added.

    • To create additional geo views, repeat the steps above. Then, to save your changes, scroll up to the top of the page and click Update.

  • Routing: To enable Automatic DSP Routing, simply click the toggle switch under the Routing section, located at the very bottom of the right sidebar. With this option enabled, fans will automatically skip the landing page and be taken to their preferred DSP store, based on their activity on your previous landing pages.

By following these steps, you'll create a compelling pre-save page that effectively promotes your upcoming release!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team at, and we would be happy to help!

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